CRUSH uniform bucket选择算法
在上一篇CRUSH map中bucket ID取值范围初步讨论CRUSH map中bucket节点基本概念后,这篇重点讨论bucket节点的选择算法。什么是bucket节点的选择算法?因为bucket节点是由多个子bucket节点或者device叶节点组成,这就涉及到下面问题:
- 如何选择bucket节点下的一个或者多个子节点呢?
比如,一个host bucket节点下有多个device节点,如何在这些子device节点中选择一个或者多个呢? - 因为bucket节点下的子节点会动态地增加或者减少,如何避免尽量少数据移动和提高算法性能呢?
上面两个问题就是bucket节点的选择算法所要解决的!论文《CRUSH: Controlled, Scalable, Decentralized Placement of Replicated Data》把这种bucket节点的选择算法称之为bucket type
CRUSH defines four different kinds of buckets to represent internal (non-leaf) nodes in the cluster hierarchy: uniform buckets, list buckets, tree buckets, and straw buckets. Each bucket type is based on a different internal data structure and utilizes a different function c(r,x) for pseudo-randomly choosing nested items during the replica placement process, representing a different tradeoff between computation and reorganization efficiency.
在Ceph HAMMER版本,定义了一种新的bucket type——straw2用来替换straw bucket type,本篇文章仅仅讨论uniform bucket。uniform bucket有如下特点:
- 子节点的权重(weight)值必须相同;否则不能使用uniform bucket;
- 可以在常数时间选择一个子节点;同时缺点也很明显:如果有子节点增加或者减少,数据几乎需要完全重组。
所以,uniform bucket适合子节点很少变动的应用场景。
接下来我们详细讨论uniform bucket的实现。
1. uniform bucket的结构体
unifrom bucket的结构体定义在头文件src/crush/crush.h中:
struct crush_bucket {
__s32 id; /*!< bucket identifier, < 0 and unique within a crush_map */
__u16 type; /*!< > 0 bucket type, defined by the caller */
__u8 alg; /*!< the item selection ::crush_algorithm */
/*! @cond INTERNAL */
__u8 hash; /* which hash function to use, CRUSH_HASH_* */
/*! @endcond */
__u32 weight; /*!< 16.16 fixed point cumulated children weight */
__u32 size; /*!< size of the __items__ array */
__s32 *items; /*!< array of children: < 0 are buckets, >= 0 items */
/** @ingroup API
* The weight of each item in the bucket when
* __h.alg__ == ::CRUSH_BUCKET_UNIFORM.
struct crush_bucket_uniform {
struct crush_bucket h; /*!< generic bucket information */
__u32 item_weight; /*!< 16.16 fixed point weight for each item */
crush_bucket_uniform.item_weight表示crush_bucket_uniform.h.items数组里每个item的weight值,可以看到数组中每个item共享相同的weight值。这也是uniform bucket必须要求子节点的weight值必须一样的原因。在crush_add_uniform_bucket_item()函数中同样能看到这种限制:
int crush_add_uniform_bucket_item(struct crush_bucket_uniform *bucket, int item, int weight)
/* In such situation 'CRUSH_BUCKET_UNIFORM', the weight
provided for the item should be the same as
bucket->item_weight defined with 'crush_make_bucket'. This
assumption is enforced by the return value which is always
0. */
if (bucket->item_weight != weight) {
return -EINVAL;
2. uniform bucket的选择算法
在了解uniform bucket存储结构后,接下来分析uniform bucket的选择算法,定义在源文件src/crush/mapper.c的bucket_uniform_choose()函数中:
static int bucket_perm_choose(const struct crush_bucket *bucket,
struct crush_work_bucket *work,
int x, int r)
/* uniform */
static int bucket_uniform_choose(const struct crush_bucket_uniform *bucket,
struct crush_work_bucket *work, int x, int r)
return bucket_perm_choose(&bucket->h, work, x, r);
- 对输入x、x的第r个副本(或者为EC编码后第r个fragment,r从0开始),在bucket->items数组中选择一个item来存储x的第r个副本(或者第r个fragment)。
- 参数work是算法的辅助存储空间,保存unifrom bucket的选择算法历史计算结果以便复用,crush_work_bucket结构体定义如下:
struct crush_work_bucket {
__u32 perm_x; /* @x for which *perm is defined */
__u32 perm_n; /* num elements of *perm that are permuted/defined */
__u32 *perm; /* Permutation of the bucket's items */
uniform bucket的选择算法步骤:
Step 1 1. 如果是一个新的输入x(work->perm_x != (__u32)x,work保存历史计算结果),重新初始化work结构体:
work->perm_x = x;
for (i = 0; i < bucket->size; i++)
work->perm[i] = i;
work->perm_n = 0;
2. 如果work->perm_x == (__u32)x,直接执行Step 2,复用work历史计算结果。
Step 2 work->perm[0..bucket->size - 1]任何时候保存着0, 1, .., bucket->size - 1这n个数的一种排列组合(包括初始化时)。
work->perm_n表示当前work->perm数组中前(work->perm_n - 1)个元素进行了(work->perm_n - 1)次随机排列置换。
1. 如果输入r >= work->perm_n(r = r % bucket->size),需要对数组work->perm[work->perm_n..r]这(r - work->perm_n + 1)个元素进行随机排序置换,步骤如下:
对属于区间[work->perm_n, r]的任何index,将work->perm[index]和在work->perm[index..(bucket->size - 1)]中随机挑选的一个元素互换。
unsigned int pr = r % bucket->size;
while (work->perm_n <= pr) {
unsigned int p = work->perm_n;
if (p < bucket->size - 1) {
i = crush_hash32_3(bucket->hash, x, bucket->id, p) %
(bucket->size - p); # ------> 生成一个属于[0, bucket->size - p - 1]区间中的随机数i。
if (i) { # ------> 那么work->perm[p + i]对应的就是work->perm[p..(bucket->size - 1)]中一个随机元素
unsigned int t = work->perm[p + i];
work->perm[p + i] = work->perm[p]; # ------> 将work->perm[p]与work->perm[p + i]值互换
work->perm[p] = t;
2. 如果r < work- perm_n,因为work->perm数组中前(work- perm_n - 1)个元素保存着已经进行过随机排列置换的结果,所以直接执行Step 3;
Step 3 返回work->perm[r]。
- bucket_perm_choose()函数实现中,对r == 0时,有特别优化处理;
事实上就是Step 2步骤中当work->perm_n == 0,r == 0时执行过程。 - 使用crush_hash32_x函数来计算得到随机值,并不是我们常用的随机函数,而是一种称为rjenkins1的hash函数,而该crush_hash32_3 hash函数输出仅仅与输入x、bucket->id和work->perm数组中index有关;
- 因为uniform bucket严重依赖随机产生的0, 1, .. , bucket->size - 1的排列组合,一旦改变bucket->size值(比如,增加或者减少uniform bucket子节点),那么对应的排列组合将很可能完全不同,这同时也意味着所有数据都要重新调整,导致大量数据移动。这也就是为什么uniform bucket不建议增加\减少子节点的原因;
- 前面提到uniform bucket算法效率比较高是常数时间的!对输入x,只要最多生成bucket->size次随机排列过程,那么就可以直接返回。